Where Do Fish Tacos Come From?

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I spent last weekend with some awesome human friends on the beach searching for the guts of fish tacos. After narrowly escaping the grasp of parking lot police, and after adding 80lbs line to our 6lbs rods, we posted up like seasoned fish masters on New Smyrna Beach. The girls were pulling in monsters. Matt was pulling out behind the back trick casting. Cody was eating the shrimp off of his hook, which may have been why he only caught crabs. I remained in the squatting position, catching fish with my BEAR hands. See what I did there? It was pretty much the perfect day. Cleaning the fish was a different story. It was a lot like a scene from The Walking Dead.

And yes, we know where the guts of fish tacos come from. They come from the beach!


bucket of fish two fish fishing_lowres-3 cleaning fish on the back of a ford f150 fish mouth fishing_lowres-6 Matt and Cody holding up fish fishing_lowres-8 kissing a fish fishing_lowres-10 fishing_lowres-11 fishing_lowres-12 fishing_lowres-13 fishing_lowres-14 fishing_lowres-15 fishing_lowres-16 fishing_lowres-17 fishing_lowres-18 cleaning fresh fish fishing rods splatter photography home made fish tacos

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